By Taroue Brooks
What inspired you to write a book?
My inspiration is to empower people and show them what it looks like to live their dreams and achieve God’s purpose in their lives. My memoir From Fatal to Fierce, is my debut book which chronicles my journey of survival from a life-changing event, to the fierce, beautiful, and successful woman I’ve become. In spite of the depression, PSTD, domestic violence, trauma and more, I still found the strength, drive, determination, and dedication to be great. Through it all, I aspire to show others God’s work.
How has becoming an author changed your life?
Becoming an author has allowed me to become more open and confront the things I used to hide from. It allowed me to be transparent, in order to share my battle scars and to be a voice for others that are survivors of any kind of trauma. I’ve realized that writing a book wasn’t an opportunity that I choose, it was what I needed to receive my healing and to help others receive their healing. Everyone who has read From Fatal to Fierce has taken something from it; whether it be inspirational, motivational, or emotional. To get feedback from my readers that have known me for a long time and see their perspective of me after reading my book, has been heart-filling. My favorite thing about becoming an author, is how it has touched the lives of others and given them the confidence and courage to share their survival testimonies.

Tell us about your healing/transformation process.
I suffered from depression for quite a while directly following the accident. It’s a constant ebb & flow for me, because I deal with not only the physical, but the emotional scars from the accident. I mostly deal with things alone, because if you haven’t been through it, then it’s hard for you to understand the journey. My physical healing and transformation is the most obvious. I will always have to wear bangs to cover my forehead and my fingers will never function fully the way they did before. In terms of the emotionality, my struggle with my body image at times brings on feelings of insecurity. Especially, when it comes to intimacy.My faith along with the constant showering of love from my friends and family, has allowed me to rebuild and has been motivation for me to learn to love my “new self” again. Even the book has had its share of putting a smile on my face. Loving yourself is a process but I’ve figured it out after many bumps and bruises from life’s obstacles. Most of all, I believed in myself and I realized that I manage to do the same things as a person with all their abilities.
What advice do you have for other women seeking to make a better life for themselves?
Embrace change and lead! Change is inevitable, so why resist when it will help you grow personally and professionally. As women, we are born to nurture and have the most amazing ability to adapt and keep things afloat, whether it is at home or the office. While making changes in your life, identify what you are great at, eliminate the nonessentials, and get to know you. In doing so, you will rediscover who you are, your passions, and how great you are as a leader and inspiration to your friends, family, and community. When we share our wisdom, it becomes a doorway of providing inspiration, guidance, and teachable moments for our younger women as they encounter similar experiences along their life journey.Women are equipped with the much-needed organization, decisiveness, and honesty that is needed to be a well-respected leader in the workplace. We work well under pressure and understand that making the workplace and/or organization feel safe is critical to success.
What has been the most memorable compliment you have gotten from someone who read your book?
My son recently told me that I was “super strong,” because I’ve never given up on us and provided all our needs. That melted my heart, because you sometimes wonder if your children understand your life sacrifice. Another was a young lady from my book signing. She said to me that listening to my story had changed her life and when she said it I felt it in my spirit and saw it in her eyes.

What does success look like to you?
Success is being able to scratch off goals I’ve set for myself and being able to mentally, spiritually and financially set myself up for the next goal I have to accomplish. More than ever, success has been being a mother, because I fought so hard to get back as close as I could to my normal self and adapt while raising my son, who will graduate from college this fall. Success is living out my vision with my values, my stand-up character, and in my right mind while knowing God hasn’t let me go. That’s success!
Where do you see your life in the next five years?
Sharing my life with the man God is preparing to be my life partner, making money in my sleep, and sharing my life journey with thousands of people on platforms that God opens the doors to.
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