An Interview with Walter Maxfield Jones

By Staff

Tell us about your education and professional career. 

I attended Morgan State University on an Electrical Engineering scholarship.  Professionally, I am a Talent Acquisition Consultant.  I created my company, ITSA, over 20 years ago to provided recruiting assistance to government contractors in the intelligence community.  I am also very passionate about boxing and I coach and develop fighters in my free time.

What has been the most difficult thing you had to overcome? 

The most difficult thing I have had to overcome is probably depression.  The hardest fight I have ever had was with myself and my own mind.

What inspired you to become an entertainer in such a competitive industry? 

I knew I was an entertainer before I knew I was human.  I have been performing for as long as I can remember.  I cannot help it.  It is who I am. I am inspired by life, love and everything in between. If I had to pin point my inspiration, I would say my family, every woman I ever loved, Michael Jackson and Eddie Murphy. 

What was your experience like on “Ready to Love”? 

It was interesting… LOL.  That is what almost every one of my cast members says when we are asked that question.  Honestly, it was stressful.  Not only because of the shooting schedule but also because I was dating ten women at the same time and they were all exchanging notes in a group chat… Eesh!!!

How have people responded to you since being on “Ready to Love”?

I receive a lot of love from the fans of the show both male and female.  I believe I represented myself well and didn’t “act a fool.”  

What are some things that people don’t know about you? 

That I am very silly and used to be on tour for five years doing comedy as the host of for a pop erotica show.  Ummm… I am super competitive at everything even if I don’t know what I am doing.  Hahaha!

What does marriage look like for you? 

A loving wife and a couple of highly intelligent athletic children.  A house in the city and another either on an island or in the mountains by a lake. A lot of sex, laughter and love.

What do you do to stay physically fit? 

I do all things competitive and athletic but mostly boxing. In my younger days I sparred with world champions and now I am a coach.  I still will get in the ring and move around from time to time.

What are your thoughts on men being groomed? 

I think it is a must to be well groomed.  I realize a lot of men really don’t know how to groom or dress themselves which is why a well-groomed man really stands out in a crowd.  Although, I must say I like to look a little rough sometimes.  I call it my “rugged masculinity” look.  Even then, I am doing it on purpose. 

Tell us about some of your hobbies. 

My hobbies are boxing, snowboarding, all sports, hiking, painting, comedy, songwriting, singing, acting anything artistic… etc.  I feel like I learn so much about life from snowboarding and boxing and I am able to share my life through art.

Where would you like to see your career in the next five years? 

I would like to grow and sell my talent acquisition company in the next five years and focus on being an artist (hosting shows, comedy, song writing…etc.) and boxing coach developing world champions.

SocIal Media

@WhatWaltCanDo (IG, Twitter, YouTube)


A native of Sacramento, California, Walter Maxfield Jones has been performing since he was a child. It was clear from the first time he picked up a mic he was destined to be in the spotlight. W. Maxfield Jones began acting in school and church plays and in time his ability was recognized. He landed major theater roles such as “Raisin in the Sun,” “Sparkle,” “The Gift,” “Wine in the Wilderness,” and his most recent theater work in the Lamar Hill trilogy “Never Sleep Alone,” “Deception and Denial,” “The Love Electric,” and is currently on an east coast tour of “The Power, The Passion, and The Pulpit.”  Once he began doing films, he quickly became a known as a “leading man” in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. His credits include lead and principal roles in “Torn,” “Dead Money,” ‘Painted Smiles,” “Misunderstandings,” “Urge,” “Prayer Life” which can be found on Amazon Prime and Tubi.  Most recently, he appeared as himself on “Ready to Love” on the Oprah Winfrey Network.