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What inspired you to work in the real estate industry?
I’ve always loved architecture and the design of homes and buildings. I wanted the opportunity to determine my own paycheck. Control how much I can make annually, control my time and my future. I like being in a structured environment, but I have the flexibility to think outside of the box without approval of others.
What is the difference between residential and commercial real estate?
Residential Real Estate is helping people purchase ownership. Commercial Real Estate consist of Land, Retail & Office Leases, Buildings, and mixed-use communities. A mixed-use community would be condominiums, apartments, and retail lease on the same property.
What can be done to prepare African Americans to become viable buyers?
I would say more financial literacy being taught in schools, this generations coming out of college make much larger salaries than I did in the 90’s and they have an opportunity to change their family’s narrative. Learn about investing and know buying luxury items and expensive cars is not the move. Understand what residual or passive income truly means and know it is different from a side hustle. Share what you have learned about finances with family and friends. Sometimes as a culture we don’t talk about our finances unless it’s about how much they spent on something.
How have you managed work during the pandemic?
My business exploded during the pandemic. Because I’m a Commercial Realtor a lot of investors saw opportunity during the pandemic. They wanted to invest in buildings and open restaurants. Because the Atlanta market is like no other, entrepreneurs in the past found it a challenge to open a restaurant. New restauranters saw it as an opportunity to get their foot in the door.
What type of education and training does one need to be viable in the real estate industry?
First you need to be licensed in the state of Georgia to sale or lease Commercial Real Estate.
It helps to have a degree in real estate, finances and or business. The majority of Commercial Real Estate companies have training programs to enhance your skills. In addition, as you become more experienced it is beneficial to take classes with CCIM Institute to work towards your CCIM Pin.
What advice would you give someone who seeks to work in the real estate industry?
You should be interested in sales, if you are not interested in sales don’t consider Residential or Commercial Real Estate. Have a business mindset, customer service is important, think outside of the box, keep up with the CE classes required to maintain your license and treat your real estate business like a business. What I mean is don’t commingle your person bank account with your business account. A business owner should have two separate accounts at two separate banks and keep great financial records. Start off with an accounting software like Quick Books for the self-employed to help keep track of your expenses and income. Find a qualified CPA who specializes in your industry. Quick Books will help your CPA keep track of your finances and filing your taxes easier. Pay your taxes quarterly, please.
Where would you like to see your business in the next five years?
To engage in public speaking with new entrepreneurs and experienced entrepreneurs and educate them about the process of Commercial Real Estate. Continue to grow my business with clients in my specialty of Retail & Office Lease, Land Sales, and Owner Investments. Exceed my GCI (gross commission income) each year. Earn my CCIM Pin/Certification within the next three years. Create my own team of Commercial Realtors within the next year and mentor new commercial realtors.
Tondaleya is an experienced Commercial Realtor with over 8 years in Retail & Office leasing, Owner investments, Sales, contract negotiations and marketing. Prior work experience includes 12 years working for IBM from Accounting to Project Coordinator including other industries like telecommunications, and food industry, and medical gases before focusing in on Real Estate. With a few years as a Residential Realtor, she pivoted her business to Commercial Real Estate finding her niche in helping business owners reach their goals in Commercial Real Estate. Working as an independent Commercial Realtor at KW Commercial and with business minded and goal driven individuals gave her the fire she was looking for in a satisfying career.
In 2022 she joined several successful Commercial Realtors on the Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors Million Dollar Club lists. Exceeding sales of Six Million in 2021. She is ahead of schedule to exceed her 2022 sales volume goal.
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