An interview with Film Producer and Author Demetrius Paschel


By Taroue Brooks

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
I became an entrepreneur after recognizing a need or problem and filling it. 
Tell us about your educational product, film project and upcoming book.

Educational product
The Paschel Thoerem is a variable based regression model that has the capacity to forecast the likelihood of an at-risk student to engage in behaviors which may lead to a suspension, expulsion, arrest.  The focus is identification through early detection and providing intervention, behavior portfolio management in real time, and process monitoring to the at-risk population.  Our clients include school systems, juvenile justice systems, government, law enforcement agencies, sports teams, banking and utility companies. Ultimately, we work with clients to identify, forecast, prevent, manage, and mitigate risk.  

Film Project
The title of the series is Playwright or aka An Untitled Demetrius Paschel pilot.  An action drama with a unique literary appeal, it’s the story of a playwright and college professor of English Literature who masks his cover as an intel expert and assassin for NAA (Night Angel Agency), a CIA contractor, while raising his young daughter as a widower. The professor disbands a school shooting and his life becomes intertwined in the crosshairs of both worlds.  Quotes and parallels from the writer’s of the Harlem Renaissance are often interwoven into the storylines. There’s suspense, intrigue, action, and mystery as the main character delivers literary lectures while engaging in weaponry, hand to hand combat and battling a league of assassins in a mysterious world of human trafficking. 

Upcoming Book
My upcoming book is entitled Offspring:  a hybrid novel and Paschel Theorem Pedagogy.  Offspring is a pedagogical novel, infused with The Paschel Theorem Pedagogy. A variable-based algorithm, the Paschel Theorem can forecast the likelihood of an at-risk youth to engage in risky behavior that could result in suspension, expulsion, arrest or death. Exploring the trials and tribulations of a struggling black family in an American inner city, it tells the story of a fourteen-year-old basketball prodigy Devin Kane, Jr. His father was a a basketball phenom struck down just as his professional career was about to begin. He lives with Briana, his mom, and Nia, his twelve-year-old sister.  All three live in a system that punishes poverty and rewards violence. Devin’s story illumnates the dangers, hidden and in plain sight–social, environmental and economic determinants–that bedevil our young people, and some of the interventions that can turn a young man’s life around. Included with Offspring are an SEL curriculum, study guides, prevention and intervention strategies, and visual aids that further explain how the theorem works, and how it applies to scenarios in the story.  Offspring is a tool for educators, students, and parents. Students will analyze various scenarios of the story to determine root cause, alternative approaches to resolving or preventing conflict, youth police perceptions and the cultural competence of community relations.  

How has Covid-19 impacted your businesses?
Covid-19 has obviously been a damper and unwelcome guest for millions of business owners.  It has caused production delays, redirections, and forced me to be more creative.  The story of Offspring was initially intended to be a scripted series, however, due to covid, I decided to write the book. In this environment, you have to have tough skin and always remain flexible and creative.    

What has been the most challenging aspect of entrepreneurship?
The most challenging aspect of entrepreneurship for me has been finding the most effective and available mentor.  

Given our racial climate today, how do you deal with it as a black man?
Attitude is everything.  I have a positive yet realistic mindset and perspective on how I see and understand race the world. I feel that it’s imperative. Therefore, in my daily life, I work hard to instill confidence, knowledge, leadership, and zeal in the people in my sphere of influence to make the world a better place.  

What advice would you give someone who seeks to become an entrepreneur?
It’s imperative for all entrepreneurs to study the environment in which they are interested in pursuing.  Product knowledge, SWOT analyses, gaining insight from those in the business, and having a robust marketing plan is important.  Once an entrepreneur understands the market, they are more equipped to identify niche and approach it accordingly.  Infrastructure building is everything. 

Where would you like to see your business in the next five years?
I would like to see my business in the next five years as a leading small business with a structured niche in the world of prevention, analytics, and multimedia.  

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