
Mental Health and Twenty-Twenty

By Deirdre L. Jones-Lowman Raise your hand if you are happily anticipating the end of perhaps the most amazing, stressful and unpredictable year in your lifetime?   We did not know on January 1, in the highly anticipated year of 20/20 […]


Two Masks

By Deirdre L. Jones-Lowman Lately, I have been thinking a lot about masks–psychological and physical masks as we adjust to our new normal. I posit that masks are worn for safety, protection and to disguise racism and implicit biases.  Wearing […]


It Is OK to Not Be OK

By Deirdre L. Jones-Lowman The COVID-19 pandemic has truly changed the way we interact with our neighbors and family. It has changed the way we view education, finances, entertainment, sports, fine dining, and other aspects of life that we have […]


Choosing Our Victories in Dynamic (C.O.V.I.D.)–Times: A Mental Wellness Perspective

By Deirdre L. Jones-Lowman March 2020 was a time of transformation and stillness.   The societal playing field has been leveled by COVID-19.  Almost everyone is in the same place: spiritually, physically, economically, and feeling financially and emotionally vulnerable. For me, […]


Dr. MOTIV8ION on Women’s History Month

By Deirdre L. Jones-Lowman, PhD(c), MBA, Professional Life Coach 2020: Women Can Have It all Women’s History Month recognizes the multifaceted identities of women and their contributions to the betterment of society.    The month of March showcases women and their […]