AALBC Book Reviews and Video Visits To Three Fine Black Owned Bookstores

By Troy Johnson

The AALBC bestseller, Bourbon Street, by Leonce Gaiter, is back in print!The thrilling New Orleans noir is back. In 1958, Alex Moreau plays his rich, powerful white father’s minions like chess pieces as he fashions revenge for his mother’s death, and long-sought freedom from his father’s iron grip.“It has been a long while since I read a book as complex and gorgeous as Bourbon Street… a sheer joy to read from beginning to end.” —AALBC
Badass Black Girl: Questions, Quotes, and Affirmations for Teens by M.J. Fievre“Black girls are often seen as more mature and in need of less protection than other students in the same age group. This is known as an adultification bias. Because of this, when Black girls express strong or contrary views, adults view them as challenging authority or, more fundamentally, simply assume a girl’s character is just plain ‘bad.’ Instead of being heard and understood, Black girls are too often treated like they have an attitude problem or are a threat. Studies have shown this can lead to some serious consequences for Black girls who are brave enough to speak up when they face injustice. For example, Black girls in school are more than five times more likely than white girls to be suspended from school.” More ▶
Sweet Sorrel Stand by Yolanda T. MarshallTeaching kids about money from an early age can help them learn healthy financial habits that will last a lifetime. Yolanda T. Marshall, shares her Caribbean heritage in this fun and educational picture book. Marshall uses her culture to teach valuable lessons to young children. She shows children how they can create their own business, earn extra money, and have some fun while doing it.The story revolves around two children, Rose and Nicholas, and their love for a sorrel drink, which they turn into a business. More ▶

Great Black Owned Book Stores

I visited three wonderful Black-Owned Bookstores this month and recorded videos of the owners. I visited Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing in Little Rock, AR; DARE Books in Longwood, FL; and Best Richardson African Diaspora Literature & Culture Museum in Tampa, FL. These stores have been in business an average of 31 years! If you live near, or happen to visit the area these stores are located in, visit them. Learn about these and almost 100 other Black-owned bookstores ▶

Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing, Little Rock, AR
DARE Books, Longwood Florida
Best Richardson African Diaspora Literature & Culture Museum, Tampa FL