An Interview with Educator Craig Soaries

By Staff

What sparked your journey in the world of academia?

It actually began in 1966 when I was eleven years old and my parents saw to it that I applied for a private/publicly funded demonstration jr/sr high school located on the teachers college campus of town, Montclair State Teachers College (now Montclair State University).  Throughout my elementary education I never seemed fully challenged academically and they recognized my intellectual and musical gifts needed a place where I could excel.  I was considered a child prodigy musically and it was at Montclair State College High School, where only 30 students were selected annually for entrance, that I was selected as the only African-American male that year and began formal pipe organ lessons with the Professor of Organ on campus.

In combination with regular academic instruction, taught by college professors, that my hunger to learn and explore academically was really provoked.  

Through the initial encouragement of my late father (1975) the journey has never ceased and resulted in acquiring a liberal arts degree (BA) majoring in Organ from Ithaca College (1977) with a semester in London at the Royal College of Music studying piano and a year off concertizing in Germany.  After a brief corporate experience I continued in my academic pursuits to complete a Master of Arts in Humanities (1985) at Old Dominion University, a Doctor of Business Administration (2003), Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, focusing on the Social Significance of the African-American Oral Tradition and a Master of Performance in Pipe Organ (2016) at Mercer University, Townsend School of Music.

Tell us about your most recent fellowship.

My recent fellowship, the Henry C. McBay is result of my Directorship experience over the Harte Honors College (Stillman College) where I have the privilege of working with some of the brightest minds on campus providing cultural and intellectual enrichment and opportunities not afforded to the general body of students.  After being hired and asked to essentially revive the Honors College it is my intent to expand the enrollment and courses offered in the Honors College.  The research I proposed and was awarded is designed analyze the best practices among the HBCU’s that participate in the United Negro College Fund consortium and have successful Honors Colleges.

Through selected interview, surveys and comparative analyses I will draw conclusions and recommendations to HBCU’s on the need and efficacy to engage and involve the best and brightest on their campuses as the students excel and prepare for graduate school and/or successful careers.

What will you bring to your students at Stillman College in the fall of 2024?

I bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion to the phenomena of lifelong learning which I adhere to.  For me education and teaching goes far beyond the classroom, textbooks, exams and all of the traditional associations with college campuses. My primary goal is to help inspire students to the acquire the love of learning, no matter what the subject matter or topic is.  I am convinced once a student gains a passion for new knowledge and information they will get excited about whatever process is necessary to acquire it.

What keeps you motivated in the competitive collegiate industry?

I don’t really dwell on the competitive nature of the collegiate industry.  Since childhood I have recognized my uniqueness and not really felt a need to “compete” because of the multifaceted talents in my life and person.  I always had options regarding the direction I wanted to go in my life, purused it and accomplished it.  

What does success look like for you?

Success is maximizing my full potential as I move into my eighth decade of my life by completely intergrating my artistic, musical and intellectual abilities.

I am passionate about everything I do and want to enjoy flowing in several areas simultenously instead of separate experiences and venues.

What can the world expect next from you?

The world can expect to see a fulfilled Dr. Craig excited about the merger of his education, experience, passion, talents and gifts!