Terrell Johnnies Founder of Spread Love Initiative Incorporated

By Taroue Brooks

Tell us about your organization. 

Spread Love Initiative Incorporated is a grassroots organization that focuses on human services.  Spread Love Initiative was birthed on a gesture of love during a time of need.  Our organization is community based so are programs are made to empower families within the community.  So no matter if we are doing a Mother’s Day Brunch honoring Mothers who lost Children to violence, or a Kings/Queens course, everything is done with the premise of love.

What inspired you to create your non profit?

Spread Love Initiative was created seven years ago when I was looking to take my Aunt Janet for Mother’s Day brunch after  losing her son which is my 1st my cousin Harvey, to a home evasion.  My thought was how many other Mothers are going through this type of pain of losing a child and not having someone stand in the gap and loving on them on them during Mother’s Day.  I then went to social media and asked if anyone knew of a Mother who lost a child to violence & if so please tag them so I can treat them to brunch.  This gesture of love took off like a wild fire.  So after several news interviews my thought was to take me out the picture so it would not be about me. I came up with the organization name using a tag line that I placed at the end of all my motivational post on social media which was SPREAD LOVE.

How is your non profit funded?

Spread Love is hardly funded at all, outside my personal resources.  In the past kind people have sponsored different Mothers for the brunch or donated time.  Majority of all the funds have came from my pocket. Within 7 years Spread Love has received one small grant which was utilized for the Gentleman’s/King’s Course.  

How are you celebrating Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day will be celebrated with me loving on Mothers who feel forgotten once the camera is gone.  I will Be celebrating Mother’s Day by standing in the gap for that child that can’t say happy Mother’s Day to their Mother.  I will be celebrating Mother’s Day by networking Mothers with other Mothers who have been through the same tragedy, with the hopes of promoting healthy healing.
How can people help your organization?
People can help Spread Love Initiative through donations, grant writing, volunteering, and spreading the positive word about us.    

What advice would you give someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?
The advice I can give someone who wants to be a entrepreneur is to be very patient with the process.  Being an entrepreneur is not easy at all, but is very rewarding.  Lastly I would share is have a plan B that is geared towards making sure your plan A works out.
Where would you like to see your career in the next five years?
I would like to see my career in the next 5 years pursuing Spread Love actively year around full time.


Social Media IG:Terrell_Johnnies


The “SPREAD LOVE” initiative is movement based upon the principle of love, a concept that is universal and to the point. Through the power of love, we have the capacity to change our communities, one person at a time. What started out as daily motivation and inspirational words of encouragement through social media has evolved into a grassroots effort to empower people and their communities, and to affect positive change through the power of love.

Our Vision:

To become an umbrella of resources for communities at large, and to allow individuals motivated by love for their community, and avenue to “SPREAD LOVE” by lending their resources and talents to those in need.

Our Mission:

To work hand-in- hand and partner with sustainable community initiatives and agencies that advocate programs, and provide information and services for mothers, fathers, and their children within our community.

Through the “Spread Love” initiative, we seek to find ways to build, strengthen, and heal our communities. For the last past two years, the Spread Love Initiative has held a free Mother’s Day Brunch for Mothers who have lost their children to violence. The event was a huge success, and we are hoping to duplicate that same success with an outing geared towards support for families.