By Vivianne A. Griffiths MSN, APRN, CCLC
“An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion…” This concept is the basis for the First Law of Motion described by Sir Isaac Newton about 1686. So, if there is no force placed on an object that is at rest (motionless) it will remain that way until an outside force, is applied. So, if momentum matters physically, could it also apply emotionally and spiritually?
So, you’re stuck. Yes, I mean like your mind is in the clouds with lofty dreams, great talents, the right skill set, but you feel that on your journey, your feet got stuck in the mud. Ugh! I have been there, it’s a discouraging feeling. The woman in the mirror who you used to admire, is now cloaked in a Mona Lisa smile. You know, like she has a secret weapon that she is unwilling to share, and leaves you to figure it out yourself. “How did I get here?” you ask yourself. Life happens! But there is always hope.
You need a confidential, compassionate ear. Someone to be your cheerleader and to help you strategize so those feet get moving in the right direction. Even one action step a day is progress. But who do you call? Would a Life Coach or Counselor benefit you? Which will meet your needs at a time like this?
A Life Coach seeks to unveil the potential in a person, but the client sets the agenda. Both client and coach identify what the present issue is, what the person strives to accomplish and strategies to get there. An essential step is that the client is willing to do the work to meet her or his goals within a certain time frame. Identifying “barriers”, internal (self -imposed) and external (outside factors), helps the coach to strategize with the client. Life coaching can be provided in person, or by phone or skype. It can be done individually or in a group.
Questions to ask yourself:
- If money, time, or personal issues were no barrier – what would I like to accomplish?
- Do I have strategies to reach my dream goal, or am I stuck with decision making?
- What internal or external barriers are preventing me from moving forward, or am I constantly in “rewind mode”?
- Who can hold me accountable for my Action Steps?
If you have those questions, then a Life Coach would be beneficial. Life coaching has also been called “Positive Psychology”, because it focuses on the positive aspects and potential of a person. Also, it is advised to seek a coach who is credentialed by a certified coaching agency.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Am I “stuck” due to depression, anxiety, or anger?
- Have I experienced one or more traumatic events that I haven’t addressed or healed from yet?
- Was I diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
- Do I have thoughts of harming myself or another person, or made an attempt to do so?
- Do I have other psychological issues?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker /Therapist is the professional that treats those conditions of life that need to be healed. The therapist or counselor diagnoses the condition and sets the agenda for a plan of care.
Both Life Coaches and Mental Health Professionals seek to promote wholeness. However, their credentials are specific to the needs of the person seeking help, healing or guidance.
Now that you understand the difference, who would serve you best to help move you on your journey? If a Life Coach would meet your needs, I would be honored to work with you. Choose to be empowered!
Lifting you in Spirit, until the next time.

Vivianne A. Griffiths M.S.N. is a Nurse Practitioner and Certified as a Christian Life Coach (CCLC) and Teen Wisdom, Inc. Life Coach for teen girls. Both coaching programs are certified by the International Coach Federation. She is the Founder and CEO of Arise and Go Forth, LLC Life Coaching for Teen girls and Women. She can be reached for coaching appointments or speaking engagements through her website AriseAndGoForth.com or via email at info@ariseandgoforth.com