CBCF Issues Statement on Status of 2020 Programming

Black Facts.com

WASHINGTON — CBCF Board Chair Congressman Cedric L. Richmond and Interim President and CEO Tonya Veasey issued the following statement regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and its effect on future CBCF activities and events:

“The health and wellness of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s supporters, funders and alumni is extremely important to us. As the coronavirus spreads and drastically affects our lives and daily routines, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) will continue to adhere to the guidance of local and national health authorities, as well as the World Health Organization.

“As of today, the Scholarship Classic slated for June 14-15, 2020 in Cambridge, Maryland; the Annual Legislative Conference scheduled September 16-20 in Washington, DC; and other CBCF programming [tentatively] scheduled post June 1, will proceed as planned. Please stay tuned to CBCF’s social media platforms and website for any new updates or changes.

“For more than 40 years, CBCF has worked to facilitate academic, leadership and professional development opportunities for emerging black leaders. During the current pandemic, our work continues. In this critical year for our country, CBCF will persevere. Regardless of CBCF program or event status, we must continue to invest in our nation’s young people to help ensure they are competitive in the global marketplace. We cannot do it without you! Help CBCF invest in our future and educate, empower and motivate a new generation of informed and engaged leaders.
“As the CBCF team does its part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and help make the dream of an education possible for hundreds of students, please practice healthy habits; adhere to travel restrictions; and implement social distancing.”


Established in 1976, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) is a non-partisan, nonprofit, public policy, research and educational institute committed to advancing the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy and educating the public. For more information, visit cbcfinc.org.