Samuel Smith- Dedicated To Helping People Navigate Their Faith Journeys

By Staff

Tell us about your faith.

In the core of my being, faith is more than a belief—it’s a profound trust in the sovereign will and divine nature of God, as outlined in the Holy Bible. This unwavering faith serves as my guiding light during life’s darkest moments, offering clarity to the right path, direction, and hope amid uncertainty.

My faith is a humbling force. It compels me to patiently await God’s timing and direction, yet it also bestows upon me joy and peace through my unwavering obedience.

Admittedly, relying on my own way has proven unreliable and insecure, leading to missteps 100% of the time. Recognizing this, I acknowledge my dependency on God’s promises, provision, and power.

From an early age, my parents and grandparents instilled in me the art of nurturing faith in Jesus Christ. I am determined to pass down this legacy to my children, echoing my mom’s timeless advice: “Keep God First, and Stay Prayed Up!” These words not only resonate in my heart but also serve as the guiding principles by which I lead my life.

How has the pandemic changed the church?

The pandemic has significantly impacted churches worldwide. Congregations faced challenges ranging from shifts in worship practices to financial strain. Many churches adapted by embracing virtual services, live-streaming sermons, and utilizing online platforms to connect with their members. I’m partnering with my pastor to revamp our online services. We understand that an online worship experience plays an important role in spreading the Good News of Jesus and nurturing faith in believers.

Social distancing measures disrupted traditional gatherings. Churches had to navigate restrictions on in-person gatherings, impacting events like weddings, funerals, and group activities. The pandemic also led to changes in the way sacraments, such as communion, were administered.

Financially, some churches experienced a decline in donations due to economic uncertainties. Meanwhile, others found innovative ways to engage their communities, support members in need, and continue outreach efforts despite the challenges.

In spite of it all, the pandemic prompted a widespread embrace of technology within the church, fostering creativity and adaptability in reaching congregants. The long-term effects of these changes continue to shape the evolving landscape of religious practices and community engagement.

What motivates you to want to encourage people?

My motivation to encourage people stems from a profound belief in the power of shared experiences and the impact of uplifting narratives. Having navigated through personal challenges like guilt, depression, and grief, I recognize the transformative influence of support and encouragement. The desire to share my own journey, vulnerabilities, and the lessons learned fuels my motivation. I’ve experienced the strength that comes from realizing you’re not alone in your struggles, and I am driven to be a source of inspiration for others facing similar battles. Encouragement has the potential to spark positive change, instill hope, and foster a sense of community, and that, to me, is a powerful motivator.

How do you utilize social media to build your audience?

I utilize social media to build an audience by consistently sharing engaging content aimed at inspiring positive change and nurturing faith in God. My primary focus is marriage and relationships. I interact with my followers, use relevant hashtags, and analyze metrics to refine my strategy.

Additionally, I collaborate with like minded influencers or other accounts in my niche to reach a broader audience.

Tell us about your most difficult thing that you had to overcome.

One of my significant challenges to overcome was the belief that I had to have everything in my life figured out.

There were instances where I let minor incidents or disagreements ruin family outings, and my behavior at those times didn’t align with the man I aspired to be.

These actions had a detrimental effect on my character, causing pain for both me and my family, especially my rock and shield, my wife Jeanell, who has been integral to my journey of maturity. I consider her a true blessing, and my love and appreciation for her are boundless.

The crucial lesson I gained from these experiences is that I don’t need to have all the answers; rather, I need to trust in God and listen to His voice daily. My wife, Jeanell, often served as the voice of God in my life, and I’ve come to realize that God is continually communicating—it’s just a matter of us tuning in.

In essence, I had to embrace the idea of being okay with not having all the answers, while simultaneously cultivating the patience to learn and pose the right questions.

In a perfect world, where would you like to give the most important speech? What’s the topic? Why?

In an ideal scenario, I envision delivering the most important speech in a room filled with individuals actively seeking meaning and purpose. The topic of my speech would revolve around my personal faith journey, navigating through experiences of guilt, depression, and grief. I would not only share my struggles but also offer prayers and sing songs of praise, creating an atmosphere of shared spiritual connection. I would aptly title the speech “Not Alone.”

The reason behind this choice is rooted in the belief that, much like myself, numerous individuals grapple with silent struggles, slowly eroding their spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being, often unbeknownst to them. By addressing these shared challenges openly, the speech aims to foster a sense of unity and faith, reassuring those in attendance that they are not alone in their journey toward healing and purpose.

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Samuel is a Family Man

Samuel is a transformational speaker who has traveled the world and achieved great success, but his greatest source of pride is his family.

He resides in Augusta, GA with his wife Jeanell and their three daughters, Kaliyah, Kourtney, and Kelsey. The couple has been happily married for 18 years. Samuel holds his family dear and considers them his top priority. Samuel firmly believes that being a husband and a father are his two most important roles and responsibilities in life.

Samuel dedicated to helping people navigate their individual faith journeys and discover their inner strength and potential. He delivers powerful messages that guide individuals through their personal struggles and empower them to emerge stronger and more fulfilled than before. No matter your aspirations, whether professional or personal, Samuel’s guidance will bring light and inspiration to your journey.