The Alliance for Women’s Health and Prevention (AWHP) together with 22 national organizations delivered an open letter to President Biden regarding the Braidwood Management v. Becerra ruling. The letter urges the Biden administration to consider all available options to thwart the devastating impacts of this ruling, which, if upheld, would put access to critical preventive services in jeopardy for millions of Americans.
The letter was endorsed by 22 other leading women’s health and patient advocacy organizations, including: Alliance for Aging Research, American Medical Women’s Association, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Black Women’s Health Imperative, Brem Foundation to Defeat Breast Cancer, Cervivor, Inc., Families USA, HealthyWomen, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health, National Birth Equity Collaborative, National Consumers League, National Council of Asian Pacific Islander Physicians, National League for Nursing, National Medical Association, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Rural Health Consulting, Society for Women’s Health Research, The Gerontological Society of America, The National Rural Health Association, UnidosUS, and WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease.
Read the full letter here.
Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals temporarily blocked the lower court’s decision, requiring full coverage for preventive services until a final ruling is made. AWHP previously released a statement in March sharing its deep concerns over the U.S. District Court’s decision.
Millicent Gorham, CEO and Board Chair, Alliance for Women’s Health & Prevention:
“Vital preventive care services such as screenings for breast and colorectal cancers, diabetes and hypertension must remain accessible to everyone and without cost sharing.
While we commend the Biden administration for the work it is already doing to appeal the Braidwood ruling, some experts argue that there is an opportunity to proactively preserve these services through administrative or executive actions.
We cannot afford to leave the future of these lifesaving preventive screenings and exams to the courts. The Biden administration must act now. This joint letter affirms a deep commitment by every signer to advancing equitable access for all women and girls. AWHP looks forward to working with the Biden administration to protect preventive services coverage.”
The Alliance for Women’s Health and Prevention is a non-partisan 501(c)(4) non-profit organization working to ensure that all women and girls have access to high-quality preventive care. Our mission is to advance policy that drives equitable access and prevents the burden and progression of disease to improve the lives and health of all women and girls.
For more information, please visit WomensHealthandPrevention.org and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter @AWHPOrg.