By Staff
What inspired you to become a pilot?
While being inducted into a Flight Attendant class for a major airline, guest pilot speaker spoke to the group about the troubling statistics of African Americans pilots as it relates to the workforce. Hearing 2.4% of representation stroke a nerve. At that moment I found my purpose.
Given the small percentage of African American pilots, how do you navigate and manage the pressure?
Due to the small percentage of African American pilots, I persevere through pilot training knowing that if I quit, I could possibly kill the dreams of youth who look to follow in my footsteps. My belief is that there can be no burden when you are motivated by purpose. We all must serve others before our time is up here. I just manage to love what I do in the process.
Tell us about your organization.
The mission of the Brock Foundation is to propel diversity in aviation. We do this through a three -phased approach. Exposure via career discovery followed by providing free ground school for you and finally via access to scholarship-based flight training.
How can we get more African Americans to work in the aviation world?
We can get more African Americans interested in aviation by providing exposure, access to resources and by creating affordable flight training.
What has been the most rewarding aspect from your organization?
Seeing the smile on black and brown youth face as they take flight, some for the first time in their life.
How can people support your organization?
The cost associated with aviation is a plight within itself. Donations equip us with the opportunity to financially support aspiring minority aviators is monumental to keeping their dreams alive.
Where would you like to see your organization in the next five years?
I would love to be sustainable. To operate flight schools training tomorrow’s aerospace professionals, employing minorities and giving away big dollars in scholarship monies every year.
About The Brock, Foundation
MISSION: The mission of the Brock Foundation, Inc. is to propel diversity in aviation. Furthermore; to empower, engage and enrich minority youth with hopes of fostering tomorrow’s aerospace professionals.
VISION: The vision of the Brock Foundation, Inc. is to provide personal development classes, free ground school education, and career preparation for youth who desire career paths in aviation. Guidance through our variety of mentors who are professionals in the aerospace industry will enable children the ability to identify with career paths in aviation at any capacity because they have mentors who look like them.
The Brock Foundation, Inc. Phone:(678) 596-5885
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